Ordering Hours
Written by Jessie
Updated over a week ago


By clicking the second item in the action list (Ordering Hours) the user will be presented with a calendar view representing the available ordering hours for the specific restaurant location. The calendar view shows 7 vertical columns, each representing a day of the week. Each colored ordering hour slot represents a period of time for which the restaurant is available to accept online orders. There is a legend at the very left-hand side of the calendar view indicating the time of day for each slot, beginning and ending at midnight of each day.

You can add a new ordering hour slot by simply clicking on the calendar within an empty slot on the day and on the start time for the desired time slot, and then dragging until the end of the desired time slot. After releasing the mouse button the new time slot will be added.

You can also adjust existing time slots by clicking within the slot and dragging to move the time slot, or by clicking at the very end of the slot and dragging to resize it.

Time slots can be deleted by clicking the cross icon at the very left of the slot.

Finally time slots can be saved by clicking the Save button at the very bottom right of the opening hour slot editor. Don’t forget to click Save after making changes, as they will be lost if the window is closed.

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