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Step 5 - Payment and Carrier
Written by Jessie
Updated over a week ago


The last step of the order creation process involves configuring a payment method and assigning a logistics carrier (for delivery orders).

The payment method is entered via the panel on the far left of the window (Payment Type) whereas the carrier is assigned under the Deliver by option at the bottom of the centre panel. Note that the carrier will be assigned to the default carrier configured for your restaurant, so it only needs to be managed in the case that multiple logistics partners are enabled for your Foodkit installation.


Payment Type

There are several payment options available during the order creation:

  • Cash: the customer will pay the driver cash upon delivery or during pickup (also known as COD).

  • Bank transfer: the customer will pay via bank transfer and provide a “proof of payment” statement in the form of an image which will be uploaded by the customer service operator. Proof of payment is usually a screen-capture of a transfer confirmation from a banking app. Note that formal confirmation of the payment and any reconciliation for accounting purposes need to be handled outside of the Foodkit platform.

  • Payment link: a tokenised URL is sent to the customer via either SMS or email. The customer clicks on the link and can provide their credit card information on a secure checkout page. After the payment is processed, the order is automatically updated in the Foodkit system.

  • External payment: the payment is handled via an external credit card payment process. The customer service operator will enter the masked card information (e.g last 4 digits) and a transaction code which are stored with the order for reporting purposes.

  • Other: payment is handled via a different process. The customer service agent needs to provide a note detailing the payment information. This note is kept for reporting/auditing purposes.


For the Cash payment method, no other information is required.


When using the Bank Transfer payment method, two pieces of information need to be supplied:

  1. Bank name: this is a free-text field into which the user must enter the name of the bank that processed the transfer.

  2. Proof of payment image: the user must upload an image (in JPG or PNG format) that contains proof of payment. This image is kept for reporting/auditing purposes (Note: it is NOT automatically verified, this needs to happen outside of the Foodkit system before fulfilling the order).


When selecting Payment link as the payment type, two pieces of information need to be provided:

  1. Payment link channel: the channel that will be used to send the one-time tokenised link to the customer. Will be either email or SMS.

  2. Payment link target: this will be either a email address or phone number that will be used to send the payment link (based on the selected channel). This will default to the email or phone number of the customer, but can be overwritten and sent to a different target.


External Payment can be used as a payment method if the order is being paid via an external credit card process (e.g Electronic Data Capture Terminal or equivalent system). The user simply enters the Card Vendor (e.g Visa), masked Card Number (e.g 4111 xxxx xxxx 1234) and the Authorization code from the third-party system.


If the Other payment method is selected, it is assumed that some external process is being used to handle the order. The user must enter a detailed statement explaining how the payment is being handled, which will appear in the order invoice and to all communications with the restaurant.

Tax ID

New tax ID

Before the order is created, it is also possible to assign Tax ID information. This is useful when you wish to send additional documentation (e.g tax invoices) for orders created by corporate customers. The tax ID information will be attached to the order and is available in the order sales report (accessible under Analytics > Reports).

If the customer already has a Tax ID they’ve used on a previous order, you can select it from a drop-down that will appear on the last step of the order creation process at the top of the page.

If the customer has never used a Tax ID you can click Edit to add a new one.


When creating a new Tax ID you will be prompted to enter the following information:

  • Company name: registered company name for the taxable entity.

  • Company Branch: the name of the specific branch which is creating the order (e.g “Chatswood Branch”)

  • Tax ID: the registered tax ID for the company

  • Company address (street address, subdistrict/suburb, district/city, province/state, postcode): the full mailing address for the company

  • Phone number: contact phone number for the company

  • Head office: yes/no whether this is the head office for the company.

Existing tax ID

If the customer has ordered with a Tax ID previously (or created multiple orders with different tax IDs), all of the available Tax IDs will appear in a drop-down. You can assign the existing tax ID to the order simply by selecting it from the drop-down list. You can also click + Add a new tax ID if you wish to add a different tax ID to any that have been previously used for this customer.


Remove Tax ID

Once a Tax ID has been added to the order, you can also remove it before creating the order by clicking on the Remove from this order button next to the Tax ID.



The carrier refers to the logistics solution that will be used to perform the delivery and is controlled using the Deliver by option. By default, this will be set to the default delivery partner for your Foodkit installation, but you can change it by clicking the Edit button adjacent to it.

You can select the Manual option which will assume the delivery status updates will be handled by your team manually (no third-party logistics integration will be used).

For more information about enabling logistics integrations for your Foodkit account, please contact your account manager.


Review and Pay

The final step is to review all of the order information. If any details need to be changed you can click the blue Edit link next to the relevant detail and you will be redirected back to that step in the order creation wizard to update it.

When you’re ready to proceed you can click the Pay and Confirm button.

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