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Step 4 - Products and Coupon
Written by Jessie
Updated over a week ago


After the address information (if relevant) and the fulfilling restaurant branch have been entered, you can click on the Next button to take you to the order contents page. This will allow you to add and customise menu items to the shopping cart for the order.


Add a Product

When the page has loaded you can click on the + Add Item button to start populating the cart for the order.

After clicking on this button the full list of available products will appear, which you can browse through to find the relevant product(s) for the order you are creating. You can also enter a full or partial product title or SKU in the search bar at the top of the screen to quickly find products. There is also a category filter which can be engaged by clicking on the filter icon (three horizontal lines stacked vertically).


When you click on a product it will open the details in the right hand panel. It’s from this view that you can increase or decrease the quantity, and select modifiers/options (if relevant for the product). Once the quantity and any relevant modifiers/options have been provided, you can click on the Add to order button to add the item to the shopping cart.


The order product list and totals will update in real-time as products are added, edited and removed.

Add a comment

You can also add a “order comment”, which is a dietary or preparation instruction that will be sent to the restaurant along with the order. To add it, simply type the message in the Customer notes field.


Apply a coupon code

A coupon code can also be added to the order by typing the code in the Coupon field and pressing the Verify link. If the coupon code is valid and the customer is eligible for the discount, a green check mark will appear in the coupon code field and the discount will be automatically applied to the order totals. If the coupon code is invalid or the customer is not eligible for the discount, a red cross will appear and an error message will be displayed.

Once a coupon has been added to an order you can remove it by simply clicking the Remove link next to it. The coupon code will drop off, along with any discount(s) it was applying to the order.


Edit Total

It is also possible for Foodkit users to apply a manual price adjustment to the order. This is useful in handling customer service incidents such as offering an expired discount to a customer. To apply a manual price adjustment click on the Edit total button underneath the products subtotal. A modal window will appear where you can enter the price adjustment (negative value for a discount, positive value for an additional cost) and a required reason for the adjustment. The reason is stored on the order for auditing/reporting purposes.

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