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Action Buttons
Written by Jessie
Updated over a week ago

Action Buttons

The last column in the CSPro order list is a set of 5 icons that can be clicked to trigger a range of actions on the current order.

  1. Order Notes - Shows a window containing all of the customer-service entered notes (comments) for this order and allows the user to add new notes.

  2. Order product details - Opens a window from where the contents of the order can be viewed and (if the order is assigned to the current user) updated.

  3. Print - Opens a window containing a printable summary of the order.

  4. Duplicate order - Allows the CS operator to duplicate an order.

  5. Additional information - At at a glance overview of order, status, payment status and customer information.

Order Notes

The Order Notes window shows a reverse chronological list of notes that were added by customer service agents for this particular order. You can also enter a new note in the input field and press Submit to save it on the order.

The Order Notes icon in the action buttons list will show a count indicating how many notes have been added to this specific order.

Order Product Details Modal

Clicking on the second icon in the action buttons list for an order will open the order product details window. This shows the actual contents of the order (i.e: the products that were ordered by the customer).

If the current user is assigned to the order, they can add, remove and edit the menu items on the order. It is important to note that when the contents of the order are changed and the Save button is clicked, the customer will receive an email notifying them that the order has been updated but any transaction information in third-party payment gateways (e.g credit card processors) will not be updated, so any refunds or additional charges must be handled outside of the system.

Update Products


Printable Order Summary

Clicking on the printer icon in the action list for an order will open a new window which shows a printable summary for the order. The resulting document is similar to the invoice which is sent via email to the customer and restaurant branch on order creation. Note that this summary is optimised for A4 page size.


Duplicate an Order

The Duplicate button on the orders list allows you to easily copy all of the details for an existing order into a new order. After clicking on the duplicate button a new order wizard will appear with all of the fields pre-populated with the corresponding values from the original order.

This is useful when an order needs to be cancelled and recreated (for example, when moving an order to a different branch).


Order Details

The last button on the CSPro action list for orders will open a single-page summary of the order. This shows all of the key order information in a single convenient view. You can also update the order status from this page by clicking on the Order status drop-down, or change the customer information by clicking Edit next to the customer’s name.

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